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Enhancing Feed Efficiency Provides Significantly Larger Returns with Current High Feed Costs than Ever Before!

The importance of improving feed efficiency (F:G) has always been known. However, as feed cost continues to climb, Micro-Aid® provides even greater returns with research proven F:G improvement!

The Micro-Aid® Value Proposition Model (MAVPM) was used to model profitability with recent feed prices and Lean Hog Futures Market prices for a 2,600 Sow Farrow to Finish operation and generate the data in the following sensitivity tables.

Table 1 demonstrates the improvement in net farm income per pig (NFI/Pig) with the lowest feed prices (upper left circle = $1.81) and the higher end of feed prices (lower right circle = $3.44). The benefit of improving F:G with Micro-Aid® technology is almost 2 times greater at current feed prices than at the lower end of the feed price spectrum! Now is the time to be using Micro-Aid®!

Another way to consider the value of feed efficiency is to analyze the improvement in net farm income from feed efficiency in comparison with a reduction in feed cost per ton. This is to say that an improvement in feed efficiency has a similar bottom-line impact on profitability as would a reduction in complete feed cost.

Table 2 demonstrates the improvement in net farm income per ton (NFI/Ton) of feed fed with the lowest feed prices (upper left circle, $4.77) and the higher end of feed prices (lower right circle, $9.03). The benefit of improving F:G with Micro-Aid® technology has an even larger impact on NFI than “cost-cutting valuable nutrients” from swine diets. In this example, at current feed costs, the improved feed efficiency with Micro-Aid® has the same impact on profitability as would a reduction in feed cost of just over $9/ton. Micro-Aid® impacts profit now, more than ever!

As feed cost continues to rise, it is more important than ever to utilize technologies that improve feed efficiency. Micro-Aid® has been proven through extensive research to consistently improve F:G. At the average Micro-Aid® improvement (3.35%) in F:G, the value at today’s feed cost is nearly 2 times that when feed cost was considered low!

Please contact DPI GLOBAL or your feed dealer for more information on Micro-Aid® or the MAVPM’s for use in your livestock feeding operation. Furthermore, please note that although the sensitivity tables for this article where generated from the MAVPM for swine, a MAVPM for beef, dairy, and broilers is also available.


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